There are many amazing facts about coffee and first one is about Starbucks coffee. The company is best for making different types of coffees and fraps but little did we know that the name of the coffee was inspired by the character in the novel named Moby Dick and the owners were so inspired by the character that they almost named this brand as Pequod. Starbucks makes so much coffee that they have their own stats and according to one stat that they company uses 93 million gallons of milk per year in all over the world. This would be enough to fill at least 155 Olympic swimming pools and they use at least 2.3 billion paper cups in a year which means that a quarter of the world population would be having coffee in a day because there are 7 billion people in this planet. And the best part is that 87,000 flavors of coffee of Starbucks coffee which means that if you had 5 flavors of their coffee every day for 48 years, then the figure will be completed. You can buy specialty coffee beans and get different specialty coffee as well.
The smell of burning wood is considered the best kind of smell in United States that they have the perfumes or it and there are even perfumes that have the essence of coffee because brewing coffee is the best kind of smell the people love. Starbucks was opened in 1971 and the best revenue it generated was in the year of 2010 and it was up to 10.7 billion dollars worldwide. It has more than 16,850 coffee shops in more than 40 countries. Coffee is also good for health because it has antioxidants which helps in making radical cells strong and prevents the cells to be damaged. Health experts did some research and found the only 9 ounces of coffee has more oxidants as compared to grape fruit juice, blueberries, raspberries and oranges combined. There are many doctors who ask women to drink coffee when they are pregnant because coffee stays in the blood ten times more longer as compared to other kinds of food. Doctors recommend that the women should drink at least 200 milligrams of coffee in a lot of water. There is a special coffee day in the United States on 29th of September, in Costa Rica it is celebrated in September 12th, in Ireland, it is celebrated in September 19th and in Japan, it is celebrated on October 1st.